Το NTSB έδωσε στη δημοσιότητα ορισμένα στοιχεία μετά την πρώτη εκτίμηση των περιεχομένων του flight recorder.
The aircraft performed a normal flex take-off in slats/flaps configuration 2 from La Guardia airport
with the co-pilot as Pilot Flying.
At time T0, soon after the aircraft was in clean configuration at an airspeed of about 210kts, both
engines suffered a simultaneous and sudden loss of thrust at about 3000ft pressure altitude. The
engines N1 decreased abruptly to 35% and 15% on engines 1 & 2 respectively. This sudden and
simultaneous loss of engine thrust is consistent with the reported bird strike on both engines and
also with the initial observations from the remaining engine 2. (Recovery of engine 1 being still in
The captain took immediately control of the aircraft making smooth nose-down pitch inputs to
maintain the airspeed at about 200kts.
At approximately T0+20 sec, the crew changed the aircraft heading towards the Hudson river.
There was no more response from the engine N°2. The engine N°1 continued to deliver a
minimum thrust (N1 around 35%) for about 2 minutes and 20 seconds after T0.
At approximately T0+2min20sec, the crew attempted at about 500ft/200kts a quick relight on
engine 1 without success.
The crew then selected slat/flap configuration 2 which was achieved.
From then on and until the ditching, the heading remained almost constant. The speed decreased
from 200kts to 130kts.
Ditching occurred 3 minutes and 30 seconds after the thrust loss in the following conditions:
- Airspeed was about 130kts (at the Gross Weight, Valpha max is 125kts and Valpha prot is
- Pitch attitude was 10 degrees up and bank attitude was at 0 degree.
- Flaps and slats were in configuration 2. Landing gear up
It is to be noted that at all times during the event and up until the ditching, the normal electrical
supply (AC and DC buses) and all three hydraulic systems were fully operational and the flight
control law remained in Normal law.