- Εγγραφή
- 30/06/2007
- Μηνύματα
- 305
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- 110
- Αγαπημένη αεροπορική εταιρεία (ICAO Code)
- Πλησιέστερο αεροδρόμιο (ICAO Code)
- immcarr
Σύμφωνα με το Associated Press:
-- Air Canada said in a statement that new rules imposed by the Transportation Security Administration limit on-board activities by passengers and crew in U.S. airspace. The airline said that during the final hour of flight passengers must remain seated. They won't be allowed access to carryon baggage or to have any items on their laps.
Flight attendants on some domestic flights are informing passengers of similar rules. Passengers on a flight from New York to Tampa Saturday morning were also told they must remain in their seats and couldn't have items in their laps, including laptops and pillows.
The TSA declined to confirm the new restrictions. --
Μιλάμε για μεγάλες γελοιότητες και ημίμετρα. Σε λίγο θα πουν ότι "passengers were also told they must hold their breath for at least 20 minutes prior to landing." Τι ΓΕΛΟΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ είναι αυτές? Πραγματικά όμως... Η αεροπορική βιομηχανία στις ΗΠΑ πάσχει κύριοι, και πάσχει βαριά επειδή δεν ξέρει πως να αντιδράσει και όταν αντιδρά ΚΑΤΟΠΙΝ ΕΟΡΤΗΣ το κάνει με τον πιο γελοίο τρόπο.
-- Air Canada said in a statement that new rules imposed by the Transportation Security Administration limit on-board activities by passengers and crew in U.S. airspace. The airline said that during the final hour of flight passengers must remain seated. They won't be allowed access to carryon baggage or to have any items on their laps.
Flight attendants on some domestic flights are informing passengers of similar rules. Passengers on a flight from New York to Tampa Saturday morning were also told they must remain in their seats and couldn't have items in their laps, including laptops and pillows.
The TSA declined to confirm the new restrictions. --
Μιλάμε για μεγάλες γελοιότητες και ημίμετρα. Σε λίγο θα πουν ότι "passengers were also told they must hold their breath for at least 20 minutes prior to landing." Τι ΓΕΛΟΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ είναι αυτές? Πραγματικά όμως... Η αεροπορική βιομηχανία στις ΗΠΑ πάσχει κύριοι, και πάσχει βαριά επειδή δεν ξέρει πως να αντιδράσει και όταν αντιδρά ΚΑΤΟΠΙΝ ΕΟΡΤΗΣ το κάνει με τον πιο γελοίο τρόπο.