party on august 30th!

  • Thread starter Thread starter phantomas
  • Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας
whats the spotting like in Athens? i've heard stories of people being locked up for taking plane photos??!? i was thinking of coming over in the new year to shoot at ATH and some of the islands!
Phantom Phixer":1cels5ah said:
Alithia... ta ATR ths OA ta prosekse kaneis? :D :lol:

....Den kserw gia tin OA, alla ekeino to ATR tis Arkia, poly ligoi to proseksan :P :P :P (perimenw orgismeni apantisi apo ena sygekrimeno melos,twra 8) )
seven4seven":1yyllpf0 said:
....Den kserw gia tin OA, alla ekeino to ATR tis Arkia, poly ligoi to proseksan :P :P :P (perimenw orgismeni apantisi apo ena sygekrimeno melos,twra 8) )

apo allon perimenes tin apantisi, alla ypirhan kai kapoioi alloi pou apla perimenan mia foni, alla mallon hathike sto yperperan.... :roll:

tespa, guys, sorry gia ta inflight magazines :cry: :cry: (efagan mia klotsia ama ti eisodo mou...). epeidi de vlepo na ginetai syntoma alli tetoia mazoksi, opoios thelei kai pernaei apo glyfada, as steilei pm na perasei na mazepsei.

@goldfish: Tis Amites na tis pio?? Tha liksoun!!! :D :D
Longreach747-438":2ojnf7ai said:
whats the spotting like in Athens? i've heard stories of people being locked up for taking plane photos??!? i was thinking of coming over in the new year to shoot at ATH and some of the islands!

Spotting in a military base is forbidden,that´s why you have heard these stories about people being locked up.
Spotting in a civil aviation airport is as legal as is walking in the street, and fortunately the local authorities are beginning to realise this fact. worries for spotting in Athens or any other CIVIL airport. 8)

Take care,

PS:You will notify us when you are due to visit ATH,I presume! :wink:
phantomas":2qjueav5 said:
apo allon perimenes tin apantisi, alla ypirhan kai kapoioi alloi pou apla perimenan mia foni, alla mallon hathike sto yperperan.... :roll:

Ki egw,dear Phantom,to eida toso teleytaia stigmi oso kai oloi oi alloi! As poume oti imoun pio....etoimopolemos logw 8eshs! :wink: :D 8)
seven4seven":cctot8vy said:
[Spotting in a military base is forbidden,that´s why you have heard these stories about people being locked up.
Spotting in a civil aviation airport is as legal as is walking in the street, and fortunately the local authorities are beginning to realise this fact. worries for spotting in Athens or any other CIVIL airport. 8)

just one thing: police are always trying to scare people off! they believe that even if they manage to scare 10% of the people, that will be a success, as they will have less work next time (since you won't go back)
if they see you are alone they will start playing hard. but if they see you know your story, first they get angry, then they get back to their holes...
Πραγματικά, μπορεί να ακουστεί μελό και κοινότυπο αυτό που θα πω, αλλά η χτεσινή μέρα ήταν το κάτι άλλο... Μία γιορτή με τα όλα της από το πρωί ως αργά το απόγευμα... Όλοι μαζί με κέφι,χαρά και κυρίως πάθος για τα αεροπλάνα, περιμέναμε υπομονετικά τις αφίξεις, τη μία μετά την άλλη... Και αυτές δε μας απαγοήτευσαν...

Είναι γεγονός ότι ίσως δε θα ξαναζήσουμε τέτοιες στιγμές στην Αθήνα... Είμαι χαρούμενος που τις έζησα χτες και με τόσο καλή παρέα γιατί χωρίς τα πειράγματά μας, τα αστειάκια μας, τα κουτσομπαλάκια μας, τα «τσουρεκάκια» μας (αφιερωμένα στον captainjumbo) και γενικά χωρίς τη διάθεση την οποία υπήρχε, νομίζω ότι δε θα είχαμε επιβιώσει τόσες ώρες... ΣΑΣ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ :!: Και πάντα ΤΕΤΟΙΑ :!: :!:

Δε χρειάζεται να αναφέρουμε ότι όλος ο στόλος της Α3 και όλος ο στόλος της ΟΑ πέρασαν από μπροστά μας δεν ξέρω και γω πόσες φορές... Ευτυχώς που υπήρχαν και αυτά για να κάνουμε ένα διαλειμματάκι... :lol:

Longreach747-438":20txlheb said:
whats the spotting like in Athens?

One might say it's boring and I won't be blaming him. But for you or anyone coming from far away it might present an interesting experience.

Longreach747-438":20txlheb said:
i've heard stories of people being locked up for taking plane photos?

Oh you mean *that* little misunderstanding :roll: :( Well, that was a military air base and no you can't take pictures there. That's a "No!" with a capital 'N'. With an exception during the Air Force open days if you are lucky that is.
With civvie spotting things are different but what our friend Phantoms said stands very true. You should expect the police or the odd rent-a-cop to bug you but the right is on your side. My advice is to have someone with you who knows what to do and say...

Longreach747-438":20txlheb said:
i was thinking of coming over in the new year to shoot at ATH and some of the islands!

Goes without saying you'll drop us a line so we can meet and arrange things for you. You aren't coming all the way from down under without stopping by to say 'hi', are you mate? :wink:
i'll let you all know when i am headed over! by the way i am greek/australian and i've been to Greece a few times, i just don't read or understand much greek so excuse my english!
