- Εγγραφή
- 04/05/2004
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- LGAT, East Terminal
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Τι μαθαίνει κανεις...
4 January 1998; Olympic Airways 747; over Atlantic Ocean:
Prior to the flight from Athens to New York, a passenger who had asthma and a history of sensitivity to secondhand smoke requested seating in the non-smoking area of the aircraft. Once onboard, the passenger's family discovered that their assigned seats were three rows ahead of the economy class smoking section. This smoking section was not partitioned off from the non-smoking section. Prior to takeoff and during the flight, one of the passenger's family members made three requests of the cabin crew to switch seats, but the cabin crew did not arrange for a switch into one of the 11 available unoccupied seats on the aircraft. Several hours into the flight, the passenger suffered a reaction to the ambient smoke and died.
A U.S. District Court determined that exposure to ambient second-hand smoke was the primary cause of the passenger's death. The U.S. Supreme Court, in a decision made on 24 February 2004, held that this event constituted an accident under Article 17 of the Warsaw Convention, an international treaty that among other things defines an accident as something that is an “unexpected or unusual event or happening that is external to the passenger.” There were 411 passengers on the flight.
...και για όσους εχουν υπομονή η απόφαση του ανωτάτου δικαστηρίου των Η.Π.Α.
http://www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/ ... 2-1348.pdf
... και η έφεση
http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data2/cir ... 17509p.pdf
πηγή: http://www.airsafe.com

4 January 1998; Olympic Airways 747; over Atlantic Ocean:
Prior to the flight from Athens to New York, a passenger who had asthma and a history of sensitivity to secondhand smoke requested seating in the non-smoking area of the aircraft. Once onboard, the passenger's family discovered that their assigned seats were three rows ahead of the economy class smoking section. This smoking section was not partitioned off from the non-smoking section. Prior to takeoff and during the flight, one of the passenger's family members made three requests of the cabin crew to switch seats, but the cabin crew did not arrange for a switch into one of the 11 available unoccupied seats on the aircraft. Several hours into the flight, the passenger suffered a reaction to the ambient smoke and died.
A U.S. District Court determined that exposure to ambient second-hand smoke was the primary cause of the passenger's death. The U.S. Supreme Court, in a decision made on 24 February 2004, held that this event constituted an accident under Article 17 of the Warsaw Convention, an international treaty that among other things defines an accident as something that is an “unexpected or unusual event or happening that is external to the passenger.” There were 411 passengers on the flight.
...και για όσους εχουν υπομονή η απόφαση του ανωτάτου δικαστηρίου των Η.Π.Α.
http://www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/ ... 2-1348.pdf
... και η έφεση
http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data2/cir ... 17509p.pdf
πηγή: http://www.airsafe.com