Humor ''on the air''!

  • Thread starter Thread starter giorgos738
  • Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας
Πρίν χρόνια,τσεσνάκι απο το Τατόι με εκπαιδευόμενο (προφανώς) μέσα, λέει στον πύργο: "Τατόι, το SX-*%$ κατερχόμενο για το επίπεδο πτήσης 4000..." και ο πύργος:"Eλήφθη SX-*%$ όταν επιστρέψετε στην στρατόσφαιρα ξανακαλέστε μας" :lol: :lol:

:3: (FL4000 είναι σαν να λέμε 400.000ft ύψος. Προφανως ο τύπος εννοούσε FL40 ή απλά 4000ft)
Εμμ...να ρωτήσω κι εγώ κάτι, χωρίς να με λιθοβολήσετε για την αγνοιά μου :)
Απότι κατάλαβα μπορείτε να ακούσετε τους διαλόγους από τις συχνότητες των αεροσκαφών. Αυτό γίνεται με το...scanner(?)

1) Τί είναι το scanner; και πώς το προμηθεύεται κανείς;

2) Είναι δυνατό να επιτευχθεί η ακρόαση της συχνότητας μέσω του internet;

Συγνώμη αν είναι χτυπητές οι απορίες μου, αλλά...είδα ότι ακούτε και ζήλεψα.
Humor "on the ground"?

isos na einai ligo off-topic, isos kai na min antapokrinetai stin alitheia, paratheto apla ena e-mail gia tin Qantas pou elava prin apo kairo kathos kai tin apantisi se afto apo enan piloto:

(NOTE: to paron echei kathara humoristiko charaktira & prothesi, oxi disfmistiko gia to simpathi "kagkouro"!)

>Subject: FW: QANTAS FLIGHT REPORTS... this is brilliant
>Well worth a read!
>Qantas is the national airline of Australia.
>After every flight, Qantas pilots fill out a form, called a "gripe
>sheet", which tells mechanics about problems with the aircraft. The
>mechanics correct the problems, document the repairs on the form, and
>then the pilots review the gripe sheets before the next flight.
>Never let it be said that ground crews lack a sense of humor. Here are
>some actual maintenance complaints submitted by Qantas' pilots (marked
>with a P) and the solutions recorded (marked with an
>S) by maintenance engineers.
>By the way, Qantas is the only major airline that has never had an
>P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement.
>S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.
>P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.
>S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.
>P: Something loose in cockpit.
>S: Something tightened in cockpit.
>P: Dead bugs on windshield.
>S: Live bugs on back-order.
>P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute
>S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.
>P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.
>S: Evidence removed.
>P: DME volume unbelievably loud.
>S: DME volume set to more believable level.
>P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.
>S: That's what they're for.
>P: IFF inoperative.
>S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.
>P: Suspected crack in windshield.
>S: Suspect you're right.
>P: Number 3 engine missing.
>S: Engine found on right wing after brief search.
>P: Aircraft handles funny.
>S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right, and be serious.
>P: Target radar hums.
>S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.
>P: Mouse in cockpit.
>S: Cat installed.
>P. Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget
>pounding on something with a hammer.
>S: Took hammer away from midget.

oriste kai i apantisi tou pilotou:

>Subject: RE: QANTAS FLIGHT REPORTS... this is brilliant
>Thanks xxx.
>This is just another propaganda sent out by the Engineers whose main aim in
>life is to make us pilot look bad :)
Thanx Akis! Δε το διάβασα ακόμα αλλά ένα γρήγορο scan που το πέρασα πρέπει να έχει αρκετές πληροφορίες, θα κάτσω να το δω συγκεντρωμένα.
Ευχαριστούμε το μέλος Irene για τις παρακάτω πραγματικές συνομιλίες:

Tower: ‘To avoid noise, please turn right 45 degrees .‘
Pilot: ‘What noise could we possibly make at 35.000ft?‘
Tower: ‘The noise your 707 will make when colliding with the 727 before you!'

Tower: ‘Are you an Airbus 320 or 340?‘
Pilot: ‘An A 340, of course!‘
Tower: ‘Well then, would you please start your other two engines before taxiing to take-off?'

Pilot: ‘Good morning, Bratislava.‘
Tower: ‘Good morning. Please note: This is Vienna.‘
Pilot: ‘I am now on landing approach to Bratislava.‘
Tower: ‘This really is Vienna.‘
Pilot: ‘Vienna?‘
Tower: ‘Yes.‘
Pilot: ‘But why? We wanted to go to Bratislava.‘
Tower: 'Okay. Then abort your landing approach and turn left.'

Tower to a pilot that landed REALLY hard:
‘A landing shouldn’t be a secret. It’s all right for the passengers to know when they’re down.‘
Pilot: ‘That’s okay. They always clap anyway.'

Pilot from an Alitalia flight, who lost half his cockpit instruments when a lightning hit him:
‘We nearly lost everything. Nothing works anymore. Even the altitude indicator doesn’t show anything ........‘
After 5 minutes complaining, the voice of another pilot comes over the comm:
‘Oh shut up and die like a man!'

Pilot: There’s a landing light burning.‘
Tower: ‘I hope there are more than that burning.‘
Pilot: ‘I mean, the landing light’s smoking.'

Pilot: ‘We’re running low on fuel. Please advise.‘
Tower: 'What is your position? We don’t have you on our scope.‘
Pilot: ‘We’re standing on runway 2 and are waiting for an eternity for the fuel truck.'

Tower: ‘Do you have any problems?‘
Pilot: ‘I lost my compass.‘
Tower: ‘The way you fly, you lost all the instruments.'

Tower: ‘After landing, go to Taxiway Alpha 7, Alpha 5, Whiskey 2, Delta 1 and Oscar 2.‘
Pilot: ‘Where on earth is that? We don’t know our way around here.‘
Tower: ‘That’s all right. I’m only here for two days myself.'

Pilot: ‘Tower, request take-off clearance.‘
Tower: 'Sorry , we don’t have your flightplan. Where do you want to go?‘
Pilot: ‘Like every Monday, to Salzburg.‘
Tower: ‘But today is Tuesday!‘
Pilot: 'What? Then it’s our day off!'

Pilot: ‘Is there no Follow-me-Car?‘
Tower: 'Negative. Why don’t you get to the gate yourselves.'

Tower: ‘Height and position?‘
Pilot: ‘I am 1.80 m and I’m sitting in the front on the left side.'

Tower to a private plane:
‘How many souls on board?‘
Pilot: 'Pilot, two passengers and a dog.‘
Tower, after a hard landing:
‘I take it the dog did that landing?'

Tower: ‘Do you have enough fuel or not?‘
Pilot: ‘Yes.‘
Tower: ‘Yes, what?‘
Pilot: ‘Yes, Sir!!!'

Tower: ‘Please give us your estimated arrival.‘
Pilot: 'Hmmmm... Tuesday would be nice for me
GP707":rbmp6opq said:
Tower: ‘To avoid noise, please turn right 45 degrees .‘
Pilot: ‘What noise could we possibly make at 35.000ft?‘
Tower: ‘The noise your 707 will make when colliding with the 727 before you!'
Tower: ‘Do you have enough fuel or not?‘
Pilot: ‘Yes.‘
Tower: ‘Yes, what?‘
Pilot: ‘Yes, Sir!!!'

Αυτά τα δυο ήταν τα καλύτερα… ειδικά το “Yes Sir”
Στιχομυθία που,κατά δήλωσιν τού συγγραφέως,έφτασε στά ακουστικά συναδέλφου του

Tower:aircraft so-and-so,please say your altitude
Captain (to his co-pilot,but with open mike)Hmm…what’s our altitude,Harry?
Captain (to tower) its……5000 feet
Tower (after a while) so-and-so,please say your heading
Captain (to his co-pilot,but with open mike)Hmm…what’s our heading Harry?
Captain (to tower) hmm well..we’re heading 058
Tower (after a while) so-and-so,please say your speed
Captain (to his co-pilot,but with open mike)Hmm…what’s our speed Harry?
Tower:Sorry to interrupt,but wouldn’t it be better if we talked directly to Harry?
Την επόμενη φορά που θα βρεθείτε σε αεροπλάνο, και καθίσετε δίπλα σε κάποιον που δεν σταματάει να σας μιλάει, σας προτείνουμε να βγάλετε από την τσάντα σας το laptop, να ανοίξετε προσεκτικά την οθόνη (έτσι ώστε το ενοχλητικό άτομο που κάθεται δίπλα σας να μπορεί να δεί), και να κάνετε κλίκ σε αυτό το link