"Aviacon Zitotrans” is listed by The Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation among the airlines recommended as carriers for russian export defence cargo (Short List approved by the Government Committee for Military and Technical Cooperation, as per decree dated March 21, 2001).
Airline has a considerable experience in transporting of outsize cargo and military equipment (Armoured Personnel Carriers, tanks, bulldozers, cross-country vehicles), helicopters MI–8, MI–17, MI–24; russian fighters MIG–21, MIG–27. In October, 2002 a unique monopiece of 40 tons – electric generator – was transported from Turku (Finland) to Salvador (Brazil). That was a remarkable flight due to the outsize cargo with record breaking dims for IL–76 cargo deck.
A number of well known Russian defence cargo exporters have been our charterers, among them are:
- Federal State Unitary Enterprise “NPO PM named after academician M. Ph. Reshetnev”, Zheleznogorsk, Russia etc..
The Air Company also cooperates with many Russian civil exporters such as automobile plants, helicopter producers etc.