Σύνολο ερωτήσεων database του ATPLonline για κάθε μάθημα (update 15/01/2014)
Air Law 738
AGK Systems 1066
AGK Instruments 1184
Mass and Balance 333
Performance 416
Flight Planning 546
Human Performance 936
Meteorology 1686
General Navigation 623
Radio Navigation 713
Operational Procedures 518
Principles of Flight 1479
VFR Comms 152
IFR Comms 150
TOTAL 10540
Για το ATPL (A)
Air Law 738
AGK Systems 1066
AGK Instruments 1184
Mass and Balance 333
Performance 416
Flight Planning 546
Human Performance 936
Meteorology 1686
General Navigation 623
Radio Navigation 713
Operational Procedures 518
Principles of Flight 1479
VFR Comms 152
IFR Comms 150
TOTAL 10540
Για το ATPL (A)