I have a small favour to ask...if you know ANYONE working for Qantas, extend to him/her our deepest and sincerest T H A N K S !
Any attempt to describe this aircraft with words is futile...Same thing applies to the atmoshphere and reactions of the many spotters who watched its landing throug their lenses!
We all agreed that we should have shot a video of our reactions when Wunala was approaching!!! But all of us were busy taking photos of her!
Longreach, thanks a lot again for the info.
As for surprises, we actually did get the chance to see some aircraft we have never seen in our lifes before. I 'll post photos in the album as soon as I can.
Εν αρχή ην ο νόστος, η αναμονή για το υπέρτατο...
Μετά η αγωνία, για το αν θα το βγάλουμε...
Μετά το δέος..
Μετά....άναρθρες κραυγές ηδονής,ευχαρίστησης και ικανοποίησης πλημμύρισαν την ατμόσφαιρα, για να ακολουθήσουν χοροπηδηχτά, αγκαλιές και γενικά έξαλλοι πανηγυρισμοί... Με πρωτοστάτη τον 747...
ΤΗ WUNALISAME για τα καλά
Εκτός της κάμερας για την καταγραφή των γεγονότων, έπρεπε να είχαμε και ένα πανό : "WUNALA WELCOME HOME"
@Longreach747-438 : Thank you once again about the info! You just can't imagine what pleasue you gave us!