
  • Thread starter Anonymous
  • Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας
an kai h easy jet akousa oti den einai nomika entaksei kai einai akomh paranomh sthn eu .
lete giaauto na thn ekane o stelakis ?
proti fora to akouo afto, kai na sou, den to pisteuo. I easy den eiparhi apo htes, kai ehi arketous ehtrous pou tha thelan na tin klisoun - me opio tropo na ne
malon autos pou mou to eipe htan exthrossssssssss :D
I easy mia xara adies exei...aplos eixe ena mikro provlima na parei kai tin adeia gia tin easyjet switzerland (kathos i elvetia den anikei stin EU ) ...Idou i istoria

easyJet owes its existence to the development of 'open skies' in Europe. Before 1987 European air travel was effectively carved up by the national flag-carriers which considered the air routes between the major European cities to be their own permanent fiefdoms. Under the old regime flying schedules, fares and even the amount of passengers that each national airline could carry were negotiated between governments in hugely uncompetitive 'bilateral' agreements. Competition from other airlines was almost unheard of. It is no coincidence that the concept of air travel as the preserve of the rich and famous is a hangover partly from this era.

That was all changed when the European Commission - in the face of huge opposition from a number of EU Member States wanting to protect their own state-owned airlines from competition - introduced its three-phase ten-year reform process in 1987. Today any airline holding a valid Air Operators Certificate in the EU cannot be prevented from operating on any route within the European Union, including flights wholly within another country.

I istoria me tin elvetia einai i eksis....To 1998 i easy agorase to 40% tis TEA basel AG mias elvetikis etairias charter gia na apoktisei adeia kai stin elvetia......Omos os etairia charter eprepe kai kala na poulaei all inclusive paketa...diladi kai me ksenodoxeio ktlp ( kanonas pou eixe thesei to elvetiko kratos gia prostasia tis swissair ) etsi i easy se enan xoro stin ispania evalle kati san camping to opoio apokaleite easytent :D Tora prospatho na vro kai tin istoria apo to site...


July 1999
easyJet Switzerland inaugurates services from Geneva to Nice, Amsterdam and Barcelona (the first easyJet services wholly outside the UK). But easyJet claims Swissair uses its political influence to force the Swiss government to prevent easyJet from operating a scheduled service between Geneva and Barcelona in order to protect its position on the route (this kind of behaviour has been illegal within the European Union since 1993). easyJet gets around the restrictions by flying its first planeload of passengers for free then setting up an inclusive tour company called 'easyJet Tours' from Geneva to operate the service. Swissair is unable to object to this charter service, but easyJet must provide transport from the airport and accommodation - a tent some 60 miles outside Barcelona. To date only a handful of people have stayed in the tent and it remains a ludicrous symbol of Swissair's futile attempts to block fair competition.
h elvetia an kai einai ektos europe einai omos entos segen
kai theoreitai opos oles tis xores pou anoikoun sthn europe .

osa gia ta alla pou eipa htan kati pou eixe piasei to auti mou oxi epibeaiomena fysika .
Nai omos mporei i aggliki adeia tis easy na min isxuei stin elvetia kai giauto na anagastike na agorasei tin etairia charter ....isos kapoios prepei na mas to dieukrinisei auto!

Stin swiss pali......Elpizo ola na pane kala....ftanei na min arxisei na xreonei to fagito stis ptiseis! :D Exei ena poiotiko profil(opos anefere kai kapoios) kai den prepei na to xasei!
Διορθώστε με αν κάνω λάθος, αλλά από όσο ξέρω, η Ελβετία δεν ανήκει στις χώρες που έχουν υπογράψει τη συνθήκη Schengen, κάτι που το επιβεβαίωσα και την τελευταία φορά που ταξίδεψα με τη swiss, τον περασμένο Δεκέμβριο. Η συνθήκη αυτή, πάντως, περιλαμβάνει μόνο τη διακίνηση επιβατών και όχι τις δραστηριότητες και τα δικαιώματα των αεροπορικών εταιριών.

Το σημαντικό, όμως, είναι ότι η Ελβετία δεν έχει υπογράψει καμία συμφωνία "ανοιχτών ουρανών" με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και για το λόγο αυτό η easyjet προτίμησε να αγοράσει μια εταιρία με ελβετικό AOC (Air Operator's Certificate, αν δεν απατώμαι), ώστε να μπορεί να δραστηριοποιηθεί εύκολα στη χώρα αυτή. Μην ξεχνάτε και την Eurocross, θυγατρική της Crossair με βάση το γαλλικό τμήμα του αεροδρομίου Basel-Mulhouse (ή αλλιώς Euroairport), το οποίο καταλαμβάνει γαλλικό και ελβετικό έδαφος. Τα αεροπλάνα της είχαν γαλλικά στοιχεία νηολογίου, ώστε να εκμεταλλευτούν τους "ανοιχτούς ουρανούς" της Ε.Ε.
sto aerodromio ton afikseon entos segen frafei epishs kai gia thn xora ths elvetias .
h palia h crossair dfhmiourghthike gia ton skopo oti na exei polla dikaiomata pros thn europe union .
tora an allaksan ta sxedia me thn swiis den ksero an kai nomizo oti einai pali ta idia
prota polla tha ithela na daifoniso se dyo pragmata: den ypirksan pote aeroplana tis Swissair/Crossair me galika niologia. Oute ta aeroplana tis Eurocross eihan galika niologia.

To deutero einai, oti i Crossair den dimiourgithike gia na petai Europi gia tin Swissair. Otan idrithike, eitan antagonistis tis Swissair, kai malista ekini tin epohi eitan poly metaksi tous sta maheria.

Kai tora katalabeno ligo giati i Eleveti eihan auti tin polytelia me ta dyo megala hub (Zirihi kai to Europort).

An ne, i Swissair eihe kapote mia thigatriki eteria, tin "Swissair Express" pou petouse me Bae 146 tis Anglikis "Freightline", me anglika niologia. Kseri kanis giati to ekane auto i Swissair ?
gia gallika nhologia den ksero kai tetoia
( basika eimai psiloasxetosse merika pragmata :oops: )

oso gia to aerodromio den einai mono galliko kai elvetiko alla kai germaniko
basel mulhouse kai freibourgh .
etsi den einai ?

h elvetia den anhkei sthn ee alla exei polla dikaiomata me thn ee .