H prwth evdomada meta to Pasha...WOWW !!!
Meta apo ena thaymasio ELLHNIKO PASHA
, gyrisa gia thn prwth moy evdomada sthn Toulouse. Mia evdomada pou mou gennhse elpides gia ena kalo kalokairi.
Deytera 02/05/05
Amesws meta thn prosgeiwsh, me kalwsorise
enas kalosynatos gigantas.
Deite perisoteres leptomereies tou
Konta sthn pista twn regionals kai twn Cargo, htan
kapoios pou perimena apo kairo na synanthsw apo konta.
Ektos apo ayto omws, me perimene kai ena aeroplano pou h teleytaia tou photo apo oso xerw- htan kapou perysi to fthinopwro sto aerodromio tou Bergamo!!!
Hey, F 27 pws vrethikes esy edw???
Anevhka sto cafe kai eipa kalhmera se ena
filo pou eiha na dw kairo kathws kai sta gnwsta
ypostega prin afhsw to mounto :cry: kairo tou aerodromiou pisw mou.
Savvato 07/05/05
An kai h mera xekinhse vroherh, grhgora edwse th thesh ths se enan lampero hlio
Sthn pista poy synhitws stathmevoun ta charter kalhmerisa ena
Bae 146-100 ths WDL Aviation.
“Polyn kairo perimena na se petyxw kai den to kataferna” monologw....kathws mou erxetai h Mikrh Evrwph ex ouranou...
...Panemorfh an kai xwris Ellhniko ktirio-mnhmeio epanw. :?
Little Europe right view
Little Europe left view
Eiha kairo na dw toso
peripoihmeno MD-82. :shock:
Sthn kathierwmenh mou pia volta sto cafe
, synanthithika kai me enan
filo mou apo to Maroco.
Apo ta 10 milia fanhke kathara to A-380. Gyrnaei apo thn 3h tou Test Flight. Elegxoi stall kai wind.
Thn wra tou
touchdown, to heri mou tremei kai oxi monon logw elleipshs tripodou!!!
Deite kai tis alles fwto:
Amesws meta thn prosgeiwsh
Akrivws empros mou me <<speed control>>
Eleytherwsh tou kyriws diadromou kai mesw tou syndethriou pros ton trohodromo
Left Wing rear close view
Rear close view
Trohodromhsh Boreiodytika...
Epistrofh sthn perioxh tou Run-up
To aeroplano einai athoryvo gia to megethos tou...se shmeio pou den to pisteveis...Prin apo ayto prosgeiwthike ena An-124 ths POLET FLIGHT kai o thoryvos htan tromaktikos... To idio isxyei kai gia thn apogeiwsh...Alla kai se shesh akomh me ta ypoloipa dikinhthria h aisthish einai sygkrisimh...
Thn wra pou troxodromouse htan se antitheth troxodromhsh to An-124 kai skeftomoun oti entypwsiako den einai to megethos -me exairesh to ypsos toy rudded pou xafniazei- alla h idea oti ekatontades anthrwpwn tha mpainoun OLOI MAZI mesa sto aeroskafos...
Episkefthka th grammh paragwghs edw kai 7 mhnes. Exw episkeftei epishs arketous apo tus ypokataskevastes (subconstrustors) ayto to xeimwna... H prospatheia pou ehei ginei einai pragmatika megalh...
AGAPW thn idea ths pthshs kai ta aeroplana opws oloi mas edw...sto FORUM MAS...Den xerw an kai poso telika to A-380 ginei <<megalh emporikh epityxia>> h oxi.
Ayto pou xerw einai ena: Einai mia megalh stigmh gia thn Politikh Aeroporia. Mias kai den eixa pollous filous san esas mazi mou na moirastw aythn thn empeiria mou shmera,(dyo mas me to Dionysakh eimastan) th moirazomai edw mazi sas.
Elpizw na mh sas kourasa....
Sas eyxaristw gia to xrono sas...
Aytes oi fwto...afierwnontai ola ta melh kai filous toy
http://www.airliners.gr gia ayto einai ligo <<megales>>