Fimes gia agora tis Easyjet apo tin Icelandair

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os gnosto i Icelandair eihei kiolas 10 % ton metohon tis Easyjet. Kati akougete gia fimes oti i Icelandair theli na agorasi tin Easyjet ... 68748.html

1031 GMT [Dow Jones] Easyjet (EZJ.LN) +2% at 253p. Analyst cites further bid speculation following talk last week that 10.1% holder Icelandair may be "sniffing around." But maintains that Easyjet's 40% shareholder, Stelios Haji-Ioannou, is unlikely to sell given the airlines prominent place in his portfolio of "Easy-products." Icelandair unavailable for comment. (DWE)

0931 GMT [Dow Jones] EasyJet (EZJ.LN) +2.8% at 241.25p. Stephen Furlong at Davy Stockbrokers attributes gains to positive traffic numbers Wed. Feels talk of a potential bid from 10.1% holder Icelandair is unlikely as 40% owner Stelios Haji-Ioannou has recently stated he has little intention of selling. And notes that EU law would prohibit a non-EU owner, such as Icelandair from owning more than 50.1% of EasyJet. But this could be overcome through a consortium deal, he says, adding that Stelios would not completely rule out a sale in the future. Both EasyJet, Icelandair unavailable for comment. (DWE)
o stelio leei pos i oikogeneia tou exei (den thimamai posossto alla kapou sto 45%) kai den skopeuei auto to pososto na fugei apo thn oikogeneia...

episis akougontai entona fimes gia thn epistrofi tou stelios sto board tis easyjet
Δεν πωλεί το μερίδιό του ο ιδρυτής της easyJet

Ο ΣΤΕΛΙΟΣ Χατζηιωάννου, ιδρυτής της easyJet τονίζει ότι δεν έχει καμία πρόθεση να πουλήσει το μερίδιο που έχει στην αεροπορική εταιρεία χαμηλού κόστους, διαλύοντας έτσι την πρόσφατη φημολογία περί ενδεχόμενης εξαγοράς από την Icelandair. Η τελευταία αγόρασε πρόσθετο ποσοστό, ύψους 1,1%, του μετοχικού κεφαλαίου της easyJet, με αποτέλεσμα το συνολικό της μερίδιο να φθάνει το 13%. Ο Χατζηιωάννου, που κατέχει το 41% της easyJet, από κοινού με την οικογένειά του, επανειλημμένα έχει διαψεύσει τις φήμες ότι προτίθεται να προχωρήσει σε πώληση του μεριδίου που κατέχει στην εταιρεία την οποία ίδρυσε το 1995 και της οποίας η μετοχή είχε διαμορφωθεί την Τετάρτη στις 278 πένες.



Η Islandair Holdings αγόρασε αυτές τις μέρες την Maersk Air...
Re: Δεν πωλεί το μερίδιό του ο ιδρυτής της easyJet

makedonas":32rldb0k said:
Η Islandair Holdings αγόρασε αυτές τις μέρες την Maersk Air...

Μάλλον η Iceland Express πρέπει να είναι, που εξαγόρασε την Sterling και τη Mærsk. H Icelandair είναί θυγατρική της FLUGLEIÐIR η οποία πρόσφατα είχε εξαγοράσει το 11,50% της EZY.

Παραθέτω και εγώ τι βρήκα από την ισλανδική

FL Group to acquire EasyJet?
"Anything can be bought" said FL Group chairman Hannes Smarason when TV-station Stod 2 yesterday asked him to respond to the comments of EasyJet's founder and controlling shareholder, Stelios Haji-Ioannou, that Haji-Ioannou's 40 per cent stake in the company was not for sale.

FL Group started acquiring EasyJet shares in October of last year. FL Group announced Tuesday that it had added another 1.51 per cent, bringing its stake up to 13.01 per cent.

FL Group's intentions are the subject of considerable speculation. In July, CEO of FL Group subsidiary Icelandair, Jon Karl Olafsson, said in an interview with the British daily the Scotsman: "We think it [EasyJet] is a well-run business, but there is not a lot in common between Icelandair and EasyJet and we are not looking to be in a merger. It has been a good investment that has been paying off already." FL Group quickly responded by issuing a press release stating that Jon Karl's comments "did not represent the FL stance on its investment".

Last November, shortly after FL Group's initial purchase, Haji-Ioannou said to the Daily Telegraph that he was "keeping an eye on EasyJet".

"I have made it very clear that I will not sell at easyJet's current share price. I will always keep a stake in easyJet, but I have not said how big," he said to the Telegraph.

And he added that he would not support a takeover of the airline unless he was "assured that the buyer [would] not do anything that would tarnish the 'easy' brand". EasyJet licenses its brand from Haji-Ioannou's company, EasyGroup.

"I am not about to sell out to any Tom, Dick or Harry," he said in November, adding "I am puzzled about where he [FL Group chairman Hannes Smarason] gets his funding from".

A number of big-ticket, high-profile acquisitions by Icelandic companies in the UK and elsewhere have provoked speculation about where the Icelandic raiders are getting their money from. This spring and summer, several British publications, including both the Financial Times and the Guardian, reported on rumors that the raiders were being financed by Russian money.

Three Icelanders who operated a brewery in St. Petersburg in the 1990's, purchased a controlling share in Icelandic bank Landsbanki in 2002. One of them, Iceland's first dollar billionaire, Bjorgolfur Thor Bjorgolfsson, has recently denied having any ties the Russian mafia in an interview with the Danish daily Berlingske Tidende. Another, Magnus Thorsteinsson, has since rapidly built up Iceland's largest aviation company, Avion Group, through a number of acquisitions. The third, Bjorgolfur Gudmundsson, is now chairman of Landsbanki.

According FL Group's website, Landsbanki is now the second largest shareholder of FL Group; it owns 32 per cent of the shares. According to a statement issued earlier this summer by Landsbanki, several individuals and companies, including Icelandic investment company Baugur, have entered into forward agreements to acquire the shares owned by Landsbanki. Hannes Smarason's business partner, Baugur CEO Jon Asgeir Johannesson, recently joined FL Group's board of directors.

Over the past few months, Icelandic budget airline Iceland Express acquired the Danish airlines Sterling and Maersk Air. At the beginning of August, Icelandic media reported that the owners of Iceland Express had also picked up a 11 per cent stake in the Swedish budget airline Flyme. One of Iceland Express's owners, Palmi Haraldsson, is a long-time business associate of Jon Asgeir Johannesson.

Yesterday FL Group chairman Hannes Smarason, a fa former McKinsey consultant and ex-Chief Business Officer of biotech company deCode Genetics (Nasdaq: DCGN), said to Stod 2 that he had "great interest" in EasyJet and did "not exclude the possibility of a takeover". Haji-Ioannou may not sell to "Tom, Dick and Harry", but perhaps he'll sell to Hannes, Jon Asgeir and Bjorgolfur instead?
Και κάτι ακόμα σχετικό με την Icelandair. Από το Μάρτιο του 2006, η ΒΑ ξεκινάει απ'ευθείας πτήσεις προς το KEF και γίνεται η πρώτη μη-ισλανδική αεροπορική εταιρία με προγραμματισμένες πτήσεις ΄για Ισλανδία μετά από πολλά χρόνια. Να σημειώσω ότι μέχρι τώρα οι πτήσεις προς τη χώρα αποτελούσαν μονοπωλιακή πρακτική των ισλανδικών εταιριών (της Icelandair και της Ιceland Express). Aκόμα και η SK δεν πετούσε προς την Ισλανδία, αλλά χρησιμοποιούσε τις πτήσεις της FI με SK codeshare.

Η έναρξη πτήσεων της ΒΑ ενδέχεται να δημιουργήσει αναταράξεις στους ισλανδικούς ουρανούς κυρίως από τους τουρίστες που θα έρχονται στη χώρα από τη Βρετανία. Οι Ισλανδοί προστατεύουν τις εταιρίες της χώρας τους και δε νομίζω να προτιμήσουν τους "ξένους"

Εγώ με τη σειρά μου αναμένω την τιμολογιακη πολιτική της ΒΑ γιατί θέλω να ξαναπάω στην Ισλανδία αν και απ'ότι είδα οι πτήσεις θα ξεκινούν από Γκάτγουικ νωρίς το πρωί, οπότε για την Ελλάδα δεν προβλέπονται λογικά connecting flights.
mhn to zorizoume poli to thema o stelios den poula allo. toulaxiston mexri kapoies alles portokali etairies na arxisoun na paraprasinizoun logistika. prepei na exei kai aytos mia sanida sotirias. opos exei pei polles fores exei os oikogeneia xatzioannou to 50% tis easyjet kai to plires dikaioma xrisis tou onomatos easyjet....(easy jet xoris to onoma xanei poli apo to .... olo tis ifos....)..ara den tithete thema allagis idioktisiakou kathestotos....toulaxiston mexri thn stigmi pou mia alli etairia(easyhotel?, easycruise?) tha sinexisei na vafei to kosmo portokali...

toulaxiston i easy einai ena megalo paradeigma pos oloi aytoi oi dimosiografiskoi sthn tv ormomenoi apo to thlivero gegonos tis helios arxisan na miloun gia locos me loco sintirisi.....kanonika theloun minisi aytoi oi anthropoi.....poios epieirimatias pou exei ependisei se kamia 40aria aeroskafi thelei apo to na dei thn etairia tou na kleinei meta apo ena distixima to opoio tha exei proklithei apo eleipsi sindirisis...

kai kati teleutaio kai sorry aki gia to off topic....alla kanenas akoma dimosiografiskos de eipe pos polles mikres locos etairies dinoun thn sintirisi se alles etairies px lufthansa technik