Bretanoi Aktivistes enandion Ryanair

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who's asking?
To Bretaniko parakladi ths Die8nous Organosis People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (P.E.T.A). strefetai eneadion ths Ryanair kathgorondas thn gia Biaothta enadia sta zoa, logo Leather Seats. Einai h proti fora an den kano la8os pou paromoia oraganosi strefetai kata aeroporkiks etaireias..

Phgh: ... asp?id=973

URGENT: Tell Ryanair That Cow Skin Is for Cows – Not for Airplane Seats
Ryanair has announced its decision to switch to leather seats. According to, Ryanair is expanding its fleet, which currently consists of about 45 Boeing 737s, with 100 more 737-800s by 2008. Fitting all those aircraft with leather seats would require the skins of thousands of animals!

Leather, which is just hairless fur, is an integral part of the livestock trade. Most of the millions of cows, pigs, sheep and other animals who are raised for their skins endure the horrors of factory farming – overcrowding, deprivation of all that is natural to them and castration, branding, tail-docking and dehorning without anaesthetics. At the end of their miserable lives, their throats are slit, and they are hung upside-down and bled to death.

Leather made from animal skins is difficult to maintain and often tears and cracks, but synthetic leather is rapidly gaining popularity because of its many advantages over leather. In fact, a synthetic leather called Ultraleather, made by Ultrafabrics (, outwears animal leather by a three-to-one margin in Tabor Abrasion tests! Unlike animal leather, Ultraleather does not crack, and its colour does not fade. It is also easier to clean and ‘breathes’ better than animal leather.

Ultraleather, once treated, also meets strict aircraft flammability requirements and is used in Boeing aircraft’s first-class seating. Some of the airlines that use Ultraleather in their first-class seating include United, Continental, Southwest, Singapore and British Air. Lear, Falcon and Cessna also use Ultraleather in their aircraft.

Tell Ryanair that cow skin is for cows – not for airplane seats – and urge the company to use synthetic leather in its airplanes:

Ryanair Holdings plc
Dublin Airport
Dublin, Ireland
+353-1-812-1213 (fax)

For more information, please visit
Katse pe su.. H Ryanair eivai n movn pou eixei dermativa ka8ismata??? Egw osmizomai BA apo pisw, kai dn logw tou oti n Rayanair tns exei parei para polu kosmo...
Ti na poun kai ti Swiss pou ta exei kai paxia paxia ta dermatina ta kathismata.
Oxi re gamwti mou,pws 8a ksanaforesw twra ekeino to dermatino ti kardia?
Kala einai teleiws karagiozides kati tetoioi,ase pou ki egw nomizw oti myrizei BA apo makria i fasi...
freno stin T4, thanatos stin LH kai diwksi stin LX

pw re pousti mou, den tin paleyoun katholou oi aggloi pia...........
Για να μην υπερβάλουμε, οι τύποι που διαμαρτύρονται δεν απαιτούν να μη χρησιμοποιηθεί δέρμα :!: Απλώς προτείνουν να χρησιμοποιηθεί τεχνητό δέρμα, που έχει καλύτερες ιδιότητες από το φυσικό. ΟΚ, μπορεί όλοι αυτοί οι ακτιβιστές να χρησιμοποιούν συχνά κάπως...ακραίες μεθόδους διαμαρτυρίας, αλλά στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση δεν έχουν άδικο. Βέβαια, δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί η Ryanair να προτιμήσει το φυσικό δέρμα, οπότε δεν αποκλείεται η όλη ιστορία να είναι αποτέλεσμα κακής πληροφόρησης.
E endaksei h P.E.T.A. einai meta thn Animal Liberation Front (kserete aytoi pou bazoun bombes se ergasthria-xhmeia pou xrhsimopoiun peiramatozoa h kanoun dou se ergasthria kai apely8eronoun zoakia)h pleon skliropyrhniki organosi ston tomea ths.Alla oti den einai sosto na xrhsimopoutai derma gia ka8ismata aeroplanon thn stigmh pou borei na xrhsimopoih8ei dermatini einai gia mena apolytos logiko kai symfono 100%. Paromies ekdhloseis opos tora me thn Ryanair exoun ginei kai enandia sthn tragoudistria Beyonce Knowles pou foraei gounes synexos.

Opoios 8elei na ma8ei parapano gia thn PETA (kendriki diey8ynsh):